Handwashing vs Dishwasher: Which Saves More Water Throughout the Day?

When it comes to the debate between handwashing dishes and using a dishwasher, one of the most common questions that arise is about water efficiency. Which method saves more water throughout the day? The answer might surprise you. Let’s delve into the details and compare the water usage of both methods.

Water Usage in Handwashing

According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the average faucet flows at a rate of 2.2 gallons per minute. If you spend about 10 minutes handwashing your dishes, you could be using up to 22 gallons of water. This doesn’t even take into account the water used for rinsing. If you’re washing dishes multiple times throughout the day, this number can quickly add up.

Water Usage in Dishwashers

On the other hand, modern dishwashers are designed to be highly water-efficient. The EPA states that Energy Star certified dishwashers use less than 5.5 gallons per cycle. Even non-certified models typically use less than 7 gallons per cycle. This means that even if you run your dishwasher once a day, you’re likely using significantly less water than if you were handwashing.

Other Factors to Consider

While water usage is a significant factor, it’s not the only thing to consider when deciding between handwashing and using a dishwasher. Here are a few other factors:

  • Energy usage: Dishwashers use electricity, which can contribute to your energy bill. However, Energy Star certified models are also designed to be energy-efficient.
  • Time: Handwashing dishes can be time-consuming, especially if you have a large family or entertain frequently. Using a dishwasher can save you time.
  • Sanitation: Dishwashers typically use hotter water than what is comfortable for handwashing, which can be more effective at killing bacteria and other pathogens.


In terms of water usage, using a dishwasher once per day is typically more efficient than handwashing dishes throughout the day. However, your specific circumstances and habits can influence this. For example, if you only have a few dishes to wash and can do so quickly, handwashing might be more efficient. Similarly, if you have a very old dishwasher that is not water or energy-efficient, it might be better to handwash. Ultimately, the best choice depends on your individual needs and situation.